A firm handshake is a great indicator of longevity as it is linked to better health outcomes like cardiovascular disease and stroke.

As physical therapists and wellness experts with over 20 years of experience, we know the value of building total body strength for injury recovery, daily function, and quality of life. While often overlooked, grip and forearm strength serve important purposes that we address through our personalized treatment plans and transition to wellness from your physical therapy program. We were intrigued to see this Wall Street Journal article on the importance of grip strength and wanted to share a few key points and Link to FREE WSJ article. (BELOW) ❤️👇

Through our Pilates sessions and wellness classes, we also incorporate key exercises that can help improve grip strength and forearm endurance. With the right balance of physical therapy, Pilates, stabilization techniques, and lifestyle change, we empower our clients to thrive through enhanced mobility, strength, and comfort. Contact us today to discuss how we can develop a holistic plan to suit your unique needs through our integrative services. Now let’s explore how targeting grip strength can benefit us at any age!

Importance of Grip Strength Training for Health and Longevity

Weak handgrip strength has been shown to be a better predictor of adverse health events than systolic blood pressure.

Factors Impacting Grip Strength:

Grip strength depends on the muscles in the forearms and hands, essential for various daily activities such as holding objects and opening jars.

Methods to Improve Grip Strength:

  • Simple exercises like squeezing a tennis ball or racket handle for 60 seconds can effectively enhance grip strength.
  • Engaging in weightlifting and hanging from a bar also contributes to training and strengthening the grip.
  • Workout Regimen for Overall Strength and Grip:
  • Exercises such as the Low Bar 45-Degree Inverted Row, Barbell Forearm Roll, and Farmer’s Carry With Kettlebells target overall muscle groups while enhancing grip strength.
  • These exercises also engage the core, back, and shoulder muscles, promoting overall strength and longevity.

These exercises also provide benefits such as enhancing core stability and shoulder flexibility. Contact our team to learn more and consider setting up a fitness plan that keeps your grip strong! WSJ FREE ARTICLE HERE

Wendy Quitasol

Wendy Quitasol

Meet Wendy, who founded MindBody Physical Therapy and Wellness. She's been helping people manage their pain and achieve lifelong wellness for over thirty years. Wendy's expertise in physical therapy and authentic pilates is built through her experience as a therapist and Romana trained Pilates instructor. And importantly, it is built on trust with her clients and community. Wendy believes that the relationship between physical therapy and Pilates makes her team and practice unique. She has a Masters Degree from Temple University and her undergraduate degree from Indiana University Bloomington.

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