The Benefits Of Our Pilates Tower Classes

The Pilates Tower: A Dynamic Apparatus for Whole-Body Transformation

As a Romana-certified Pilates instructor and licensed physical therapist with over 20 years of experience, I love our Tower Classes. The work on the Tower helps refine your Pilates fundamentals and builds your practice. We’re here to help! The Pilates Tower apparatus is a invaluable addition to our studio. Combining spring resistance with the fundamental matwork, we help you take your Pilates practice to an exciting new level of conditioning. I’ve highlighted five compelling benefits you’ll gain through our specialized Tower training:

  1. Targeted Muscle Strengthening

The spring-loaded Tower allows us to zero in on precisely the right muscles during each exercise. We can customize resistance levels to match your needs, helping you progress safely. Whether building strength post-rehab or enhancing performance, our Tower enables true transformation.

  1. Total Body Engagement

The Tower works muscle groups integratively, like functional training. As you stabilize positions against the springs, synergistic muscles cooperate to create flow and stamina. This awakens mind-body awareness, postural control and increased capabilities for daily life. Our Tower classes restore ease to the body holistically.

  1. Spinal Mobility

Many Tower postures incorporate forward, lateral and backward bending motions that resupply mobility to the spine. This relieves compression and brings supple curvature back to the backbone for good posture and injury resilience. The Tower opens the body with compassion.

  1. Hip Flexibility

Lower body Tower exercises like squats, lunges and circles free up the hip marvelously. Restricted hips limit activities of all kinds, so maintaining hip flexibility promotes quality of life immensely. Our Tower training gets those hips moving well again!

  1. Core Power

Every direction of spring resistance engages the deepest abdominals, building tremendous core stability. A strong center protects the spine, shapes the waist and fuels graceful movement. Our Tower classes create next-level core fitness to carry you confidently through any endeavor.

Having coached many post-rehab clients and athletes, I’m amazed by the restorative and conditioning benefits of bringing in Tower training to your overall wellness program. The work on the tower complements our classic mat repertoire to uplift strength, flexibility and mind body connection.  Our team at MindBody Pilates is experienced, Romana trained, Authentic Pilates work. Class size at our studio is limited so sign up for Towers class soon. And thank you for supporting small business. 

Wendy Quitasol

Wendy Quitasol

Meet Wendy, who founded MindBody Physical Therapy and Wellness. She's been helping people manage their pain and achieve lifelong wellness for over thirty years. Wendy's expertise in physical therapy and authentic pilates is built through her experience as a therapist and Romana trained Pilates instructor. And importantly, it is built on trust with her clients and community. Wendy believes that the relationship between physical therapy and Pilates makes her team and practice unique. She has a Masters Degree from Temple University and her undergraduate degree from Indiana University Bloomington.

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